Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2014

Updates on the neighbourhood

This will be to continue and progressive update on the situation from the previous post.

The bra went missing again, but err comes another really shocking discovery. My lingerie, the one which I have lost quite some time ago, came back. It was a mint green pair of panties, with visible stains on the crotch area which definitely is not mine. It was at the letterbox. Like why did this appear now?! Last checked with my neighbours, she did not received back hers. We are starting to feel a little freaked out by this, I mean it is happening so many times I’m starting to wonder does this person actually know me, and the motive behind these incidents as it all seems to be pointing to me.

My lingerie is no longer there, in referring to the mint green panties. No other changes though, its like quiet once again, I guess?

No incident today.

No incident today.

The bra came home! With more stains, much more than previously. Together with the bra, my neighbour’s panties and a few others were being dumped into a box beside the rubbish bin, which happened to be opened and exposed. I only noticed this when I threw my bubble tea into the bin and saw the box beside it, and voila so many lingerie inside. I went on to tell my neighbour about it, both of us were freaked out but neither of us wanted to take serious action or anything against the culprit, whom we do not know either. So to keep such things from happening again, my neighbour took the box and drove it to her mother’s place, dumping the entire box into the rubbish bin and drove back home.

Day 17:
At the time of writing this, no more funny reappearance of any lingerie or whatsoever. Seems like things has died down or maybe the person wasn’t around anymore.

Day 25:
Nothing has been going on for now, so I’m concluding this episode.

Ettu Signing Off ☺

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Neighbourhood rants

Recently around my home area, there has been many complaints involving many pervs in the area.

Well firstly, incidents of lingerie going missing. Certainly this is a common trend regardless of where it is happening but it is more peculiar in the sense of my situation. A couple of times lingerie were blown away or dropped from the clothesline, as such they usually fall to the bottom of the building. It happened to me once where my lingerie went missing after falling down. But the couple of times after that, nothing happened even though I only noticed the lingerie fall after like a day later, but it was still there.

The incident gone strange when my neighbour’s lingerie actually fell too, it was her panties, bright orange colour and with lace. Well it went down for a day and she did not noticed it missing at all, though I saw it but I assumed she would know it went down. Later on the next day, I went to fetch my laundry when I noticed there was a missing pair on my stick too. Heading downstairs, I went to look for it but couldn’t find it anywhere. It was a white sheer lace panties and what surprised me was that the orange panties was still there, but not mine. I’m not happy at all, but also felt amused by it that, why was it mine and not hers?! Seems like he strikes on things which he “like” better, though both were equally sexy IMO (I find hers much sexier, orange >.<).

Both of us, me and my neighbour were confused by the situation, and sort of wanted to verify it again. So this time round both of us each dropped instead of panties, we went for bra instead. I choose a racer back white bra, which was also a sports bra but fairly washed out, while she went for a similar design, a halter neck bra but a normal one, and used for less than a month. We left it there for a day, and no one took them. On the 2nd day, one of the pairs went missing. It was hers, my neighbour’s. From this, we both sort of concluded that this lingerie thief is probably preying on things which are either more exquisite, or just sexier to his opinions. I’m felt a little sorry for her losing that piece, but she didn’t mind as it was all to experiment.

Anyway we began to hang out washed lingeries indoor instead or leaving it out to fall. The bra which I left 2 days back, while it was still there, I did not went back down to retrieve it. The next day it was gone, I even went to approached the cleaners and they have no idea where it went. That certainly was unexpected and not as what we concluded. Since it was gone, I did not bother anymore about it.

On Day 5, I was heading home when I walked past the area and noticed my bra was there! Taking it up and inspecting it, there were yellow stains on it, it was not so pleasant to see. The stains do not look like it was from food either, but I also cannot conclude it being cum stains though that is probably what it might be. I throw the bra into the bin and went back home.

Day 7(24-7-2014):
As usual headed back home, but found my same piece of bra lying on the floor, but it was all CLEAN. That really seriously made me gone into an mystery mode. I have no clue what is going on, did the person actually saw me throwing it or was the person a cleaner who just happened to fished it up? Many questions in my head but I’m of course not gonna take that piece back home. So I left it there in its demise and I wonder what’s next for this piece? Chances are it will be thrown away by the cleaners soon, I mean its something that fell down for like almost a week. To clarify my neighbour's lingerie did not return to her, only mine magically appeared for so many days.

Truly I’m starting to wonder, how many pervs are in my area? Or one could say, how many kinky guys with strange fetishes are living in my area?

Ettu Signing Off ☺