Friday, January 18, 2013

Ettu and Prawns

As part of a team cohesion, we were invited to go prawning as well as a dinner after that.

After lunch, around 2pm, we headed out to one of the prawning areas in Punggol. It was quite a long drive, but after we have finally reached, ah the weather sure kills the mood. It was really hot today, thankfully the prawns are under shelter if not I would have melted.

This is Ettu's virgin prawning session as I have never done prawning as yet, i Hate seafood. Prawns just look so scary with their pincers just like lobsters. A brief introduction as well as tutorial on how to put the bait and some tips on fishing prawns were being taught to us. After that, each of us headed out in search of a sweet spot to farm the prawns.

I looked into the pond, it was so hard to see the prawns. The bait were gross, chicken heart >.< yuckks. But still I handled it and poke it through the hook, throwing it into the pond and awaited. I waited and waited but no prawns came to me :(

After 5mins, the rod felt a little nudge. It was a prawn! Instinctively I pulled my rod up, bad choice. The prawn got loose and swam away. So sad :( And it took my bait! Now I had to put another squishy bait onto the hook and throw it in. Now after ages, 20mins later, wasting a lot more baits from unsuccessful tries, I finally caught my first prawn! Yay I was so happy, but I didn't know how to handle it. It looked like it was going to just bite me with its pincers.

Thankfully one of my colleagues, a lady, she was really brave. She handled the prawn like an expert and took care of it within seconds, placing it into a net within the pond. Over the entire 2hours of prawning, I only caught 2 prawns in total. It wasn't so bad, considering there were other people who caught 0 for the entire day. But some caught as many as 12 prawns, unbelievable.

Next we had our dinner at about 6pm. It was a mixture of food, Japanese, French, Indonesian, Western and Chinese food, not to forget a vegetarian section as well. Dining and relaxing with my colleagues, this has been something that I had not done for a long time. Its hard to catch up with everyone especially due to our schedules.

After the whole sweaty prawning and a sumptuous dinner, overall a fun day and an good experience to get out of the city life, but would had been better if I weren't in my office wear, shorts and sleeveless tank tops would be wonderful!

Ettu Signing Off ☺


  1. how nice you have such great team to work with...
    being went through working life for 4 years... never once i really hang out with my colleagues... =(

    1. Thats one of the reason why I stayed long. Good team to work with =)
